
Diet is out. Exercise is in. 8 stone to shed – bootcamp style!!! No pain, no gain (or loss in my case!) Follow me as I fight the flab on a beach-based bootcamp

One blog post, two operations

on September 21, 2015

Operation Musical Chairs, Month 11, Week 1, Day 3, 0600hrs, North Bay Chairlifts

I didn’t get a chance to write up Friday’s Op so I’ll do that first. It was Operation Musical Chairs which basically sees us running in a circuit and, when the music stops (i.e. when DS CS gives us a 15-second warning), we’re “safe” if we haven’t made it to the starting point but we need to keep running if we’ve gone past it. This can mean a full extra circuit.

I’ve done this Op twice before. The first time was a circuit that included running along the beach, the second time involved running up lamp hill, but this time was on the promenade which wasn’t quite as challenging. However, the exercises we did between running rounds were harder. A particularly proud moment for me was managing to do side planks for the first time. We were meant to do one minute on one side then a minute on the other. I couldn’t hold it that long so I changed sides a little more often, but I did manage to hold it and was well chuffed about that.

Enjoyable Op 🙂

Operation Slalom, Month 11, Week 2, Day 4, 0600hrs, Training Area, North Bay

The reason I didn’t get to type up Friday is that I participated in a team-building event with my new employer that went on all afternoon and evening. It was a secret event that turned out to be held in the grounds of one of our colleague’s farms and it was a-may-zing. We were in 2 teams and had a series of exercises to complete. I participated in a bungee run race and sumo wrestling in giant sumo fat-suits. I haven’t laughed so much in ages but I also haven’t ached so much in ages. I think a combination of holding the side plank and then these two exercises had me limping around like an old biddy all weekend. The day after the day after (Sunday) was the worst and I was still aching this morning!

Today’s Op was Slalom. I knew I’d done it before but couldn’t remember what it involved until we started heading around Marine Drive at which point I realised we were heading for the training area where there are various wooden pieces of kit.

We were divided into 5 groups to work round 5 difference circuits twice over. It’s quite a long time since I’ve done this Op. Two of the exercises involved running up hills. I managed to properly run up them and I seem to remember that last time I struggled to do that so another small victory.

Great to see Graham back again who moved to SAS but has joined us while a back injury recovers. Hi Graham!

Back on Thursday xx

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